Thursday, December 9, 2010

Finals Week.

Finals week is here upon us. Here are a few of my suggestions on how to survive. Good luck ya’ll.

How to survive Finals Week
1. Move into the library- just start packing your pajamas and toothbrush in your backpack and spend the majority of your time in the good ol’ library. This is beneficial for two reasons. First, it is quiet, so it is easy to concentrate. Second, if you are looking for distractions, there are a ton of weirdos hanging out getting way to into their World of Warcraft. They can be pretty entertaining to watch.
2. Take a break- now studying for a week straight can get pretty old. So take a break. Go grab dinner (highly recommend Café Rio), finish up some Christmas shopping or watch the jazz game. (go jazz go!)
3. Sleep- ahh, nothing is better than a good nights sleep. Even a quick cat nap can get the job done.
4. Visit your family (or friends)- in my case, I visit my grandma. She feeds me dinner. It’s a win-win situation. I get fed and she gets to see me. You know what they say, its better to think on a full stomach.
5. Study in groups- this is your last time to get to know that hottie in your class. It’s a genius way to get his number, spend some time with him, oh...and study.
6. Reward yourself- if you have survived finals week, pat yourself on the back. Make someone take you out to dinner, bake you cookies, or throw you a little parade. Conquering finals week is not an easy task.
7. Don’t stress- now I don't mean to be a Debbie Downer, but odds are if you don’t know the material now, you aren’t going to know it later. So don’t freak out. It happens to the best of us. You are going to fail a class every now and again. Its called life.

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