Sunday, March 4, 2012


So, This is Austin. I just googled "neat things to do when you don't have anything to do" because it is Sunday afternoon and i have nothing to do because it's Sunday. I found a website with a list of 30 things and I already did a couple of them. One of the ideas was to crank up the tunes and Cami shattered that one real fast. Another idea was to do a blog, so that's what i'm doing. I would be willing to argue that Sunday's are not a day of rest, it is more of a day of waiting. Odds are you've got either early church or late church. If it's late, you're waiting all day to go to church at one o'clock and your whole day is shot. If you have early church, you get done so early that you find yourself just sitting around all afternoon trying to think of something to do because after all, it is Sunday and so I'm "not allowed" to go do the things that I could do any other day, like golfing! :) In my mind, golfing is the perfect Sunday activity. Think about it, you could go spend a few relaxing hours of quality time walking around the course with a friend or family member enjoying the day. Beats sitting on the couch all day, or rummaging through the cupboards munching on whatever just because you're bored. Yep, I'd rather be golfing...
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