Friday, January 25, 2013

Sweet Kennadi.

Like I said in my last post, last week was rough. One night I couldn’t sleep. I was stressed. I was frustrated.  Basically I just needed a hug. Sure enough, just when I needed it sweet Kennadi decided to wake up in the middle night, something she never does. She was awake just long enough for me to pick her up, have her wrap her arms around my neck and rest her head on my shoulder. This simple gesture meant so much.

It reminded me of a time I was pregnant with Kennadi. After the 20 week anatomy scan I was informed that Kennadi had EIF. EIF is basically just a bright spot on the heart that could be a marker for down syndrome or other heart conditions or it could be absolutely nothing. Thankfully it turned out to be absolutely nothing but the news was a bit unsettling at first. After that doctor’s appointment I came home and just cried. Without fail, whenever the tears streamed down my face Kennadi would start kicking and moving around inside me. It was like she was letting me know everything was gonna be ok.

Even now Kennadi is still super sweet and sensitive. Whenever she hears someone crying, even if it is just on the tv, she will pucker her lips and start crying with them. As soon as the crying stops she will instantly stop as well.

 I have a feeling that I am going to have one emotional and sensitive little gal when she hits those crazy teenage years.

Isn’t that the saddest little face? This happened when we were watching Disney youtube videos on my computer. One of the characters looked kinda glum so she thought she needed to be glum too.

1 comment:

  1. I know I'm pregnant and super emotional as it is but this post made me cry. We love Kennadi! She is such a sweet little girl!


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