Saturday, January 30, 2016

Keeping up with Kennadi.

-Kennadi gave me a quick recap of nursery one day when I picked her up. She said, "I got sad because my teacher wouldn't draw my family. She would only draw cows."

-I was dancing in the kitchen while making lunch. Kennadi asked me what I was doing. I replied, "I'm having a dance party." She was quick to turn me down by saying, "You can't have a dance party. There are no decorations. You can dance but no party. Got it mom?"

-Kennadi is in this stage where she loves teasing us. She recently learned the art of knock knock jokes. The problem is when she tells a joke she always says Ding Dong instead of knock knock.

-Austin was showing Kennadi a countdown on his calendar for when we become empty nesters. Kennadi started puckering up and exclaims, "WHAT! We aren't living with mom and dad anymore. But I want to."

-We were at the checkout in Costco and Kennadi randomly told the cashier, "I love Jesus."

-I told Kennadi to stop growing because her clothes were getting to small. Her response, "No way. I need to grow big so I can go to Disneyland!"

-I told Kennadi to clean up her toys because I didn't want them in the kitchen. So she obeyed and picked them up. The problem is she put them on the floor right outside of the kitchen.

-Randomly  Kennadi told me, "I love China but sometimes the cows in China ruin everything." Say what? I am not sure what her train of thought was on that one...

-Kennadi told me, "I'm doing my 'toga'. Don't bug me mom." I looked over to this...

-I told Kennadi it was naptime and she needed to run to the bathroom first. This was her way of delaying naptime. Apparently her batteries were dead so she couldn't walk.

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