Thursday, December 6, 2012

3 Months.

At Three Months Kennadi is…
-11 pounds 2 ounces and 24 inches long.
-in 3 month clothes and snuggly fits into size 1 diapers. This mama is just too cheap to move up a size in diapers until the box is all gone!
-still eating and sleeping like a champ! 
-finally has a routine for playtime, mealtimes, and naptimes.
-will only take her naps if something is covering her eyes like her arm, hands, or blanket. She is definitely her father’s child.
-constantly happy. Shots, an upper respiratory infection, nor serious digestive issues would keep this girl from always smiling and cooing.
-starting to play with toys and is starting to enjoy reading books.
-must always have something in her mouth whether it be a binki, her hands, her blanket, or a toy.
-can support herself while standing and sit in her bumbo by herself.

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