Sunday, April 5, 2015

Baby Bump | 37 Weeks

I am now officially considered full term! Hallelujuah! This means that the baby could come any day now and it would be okay. I am finally feeling a little more prepared for the babe to come, which is great considering how close we are to the end. The nursery is starting to get put together, I have washed all of the baby clothes, and my hospital bags are packed. Now it is just a waiting game...

Baby's Size: A little over 6 pounds and around 19 inches long. She is still measuring big though. The doctor doesn't know if it's because she is going to be a big baby, she is laying weird, or I have some extra fluid. I will be going in for an ultrasound to double check everything. Let's hope she isn't really 10 pounds!
Symptoms: Is just being more than ready to not be pregnant a symptom? I am really uncomfortable, my maternity clothes aren't fitting anymore, stretch marks are invading my belly, and I constantly have to pee. If you want to see something really funny, you should watch me try to get out of bed!
Labor Signs: At my doctor's appointment I was dilated to a 2.5 but the baby was still pretty high up there. I have been also having some braxton hick contractions but nothing to really get excited about.
Cravings: Anything sweet! There is less and less room in my belly so my cravings have gone down quite a bit.
Fun Moments: I know I say this every update, but watching Kennadi get excited to be a big sister is so fun. Lately Kennadi has been telling me that the baby talks to her and says, "Let me out! I want to get out and play with my sister!"

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