Monday, February 28, 2011

What I want to do...

As I was doing my nightly blog readings I stumbled upon a blog of a young college girl who has dreams and aspirations very similar to mine. As I read through a post about her future it got me thinking about mine. I have spent countless nights tossing and turning about this subject. I think I can say I have finally found an answer I am satisfied with. I've finally decided what I want to do. Not what I want to be. I'm not sure on that yet. I could become an NBA agent, a politician, a sports writer, a prosecutor, a judge, or a stay-at-home mom. I am just not sure. But I do know what I want to do.

First, I want to get my education out of the way. I want to graduate in a year or so with a bachelors in Political Science. I want to go onto law school preferably in Georgetown and get my Juris Doctorate. I want that peace of mind that often comes with a diploma hanging on your shelf.

I want to marry someone I'm desperately in love with - bursting in love with - aching in love with... and I want to have a family.

I want to stand on the porch in my pajamas, hold a mug of hot cocoa, and watch my rosy-cheeked girl and her older brother walk to the bus stop together. I want to kiss my husband and send him off to work. I want to devour a giant bowl of Cap'n Crunch while reading the newspaper. I want to open up the kitchen windows, smell the fresh cut grass, and breathe in the beautiful sunrise.

Then I'll go about my day. I'll straighten up my son's legos and army men. I'll switch out the laundry and call my husband to tell him "I love you". I'll go to the library to pick up something I've not read before. I'll come home and fish out my mom's chocolate chip cookie recipe. While the cookies are baking, I'll pull out my trusty laptop and work. I'm still not sure on what I will work on, guess that will all ride on the decision of what I want to be. It can't be all work and no play though so of course I will blog. I'll write about my rosy-cheeked girl, the cat lady up the street, and my latest parenting adventure. The cookies will come out of the oven just as my son slams the front door open, waving his 100% math test in the air, and I'll listen to him tell me all about his adventures at recess as I relieve my daughter of her backpack and shoes.

I'll kiss my husband as he comes home from a full day of work. I will listen as he wrestles and plays with the kids as I stew in the kitchen preparing a gourmet meal. We will sit down and eat as a family as my husband will ask the rosy-cheeked girl about her day in school and the older brother replays his basketball game during recess. We will do the dishes as a family and then migrate back the dining room table to complete homework or have family game night.

I'll read the children scripture stories and tuck them in bed with a kiss. I then want to climb in bed with my husband and smile into his chest and hear all about his day at work. I want to drift off to sleep knowing that tomorrow is going to be just as... fulfilling.

1 comment:

  1. Where do you get off the bus? Just kidding Cami that was very. . .touching! :) You sure you dont want to be a writer? You had some mad descriptive sentences! :)


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