Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Today as I was sitting on the bus talking to my dear ol’ friend about the silly Deron Williams trade I was asked by some stranger if I considered myself part of the Utah Jazz organization because I always refer to them as “we.” I had to explain to this stranger that I wasn’t a part of the organization but I probably could have made some smarter choices than the front office. I also had to explain this concept of loyalty. The Utah Jazz is my team. I eat, sleep, and breathe the Utah Jazz. So of course I am going to refer to them as “we”, they are a part of me. And since they are such a big part of me I have had a dozen phone calls and text messages to make sure I was handling the trade news alright. I have also had numerous people ask me about my take on the trade scenario, so here it is..

Sometimes I lay awake at night wondering if Kevin O’connor is trying to think of every possible way to destroy the Utah Jazz organization. On a lot of levels he is doing a dang good job at kicking us to the curb. Regarding this trade decision though I actually think he made a wise decision (I will NOT say that very often so write this down in all your journals). Dwills contract was up the end of next season. He was going to abandon us anyway. It’s a fact. If we had to have anyone replace him I think we found a good man. Devin Harris holds the Guinness World Record for being the fastest man with a basketball. He can run up and down the court in 3.9 seconds. That my friends is impressive. He also owns over 400 pairs of shoes so I think we will have a lot to talk about. Derrick Favors, the other new guy, is the youngest man in the NBA. He is younger than me! We can create history with this fellow. What I am most excited about is the two first round draft picks. This sets us up perfectly to draft Jimmer. Hello Jimmer-mania. Hello another white boy in Utah. Hello championship season. And who knows, maybe Kevin Oconnor will pull another phenomenal move and offer Dwill a killer of a deal in 2012. That would definitely create a permanent grin across my face.

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