Saturday, February 12, 2011

Jazz World.

I am pretty sure by now everyone knows about my admiration and obsession for the Utah Jazz. So it seems only right that I blog about two key events that happened in the Jazz world lately. The first one involving this beautiful face...
And the second one involving him...

Wednesday night was a game I had been looking forward to since Kyle Korver went to the Chicago Bulls. Once the schedule came out in August I created a countdown, and believe me 189 days is a long time to wait for a Jazz game. During his time in Utah, Kyle Korver was my man. He agreed to marry me, he postponed bathroom trips for me, I knew his family (and his brothers are just as attractive as he is). I would be liar if I didnt' say that half the reason I grew to love the Jazz was because of Kyle. Anyway, back to the main point. Kyle and his Chicago Bulls team (also referred to as the Utah Jazz East) were in town. I dragged my little sister, Madison to the game with me and we went and basked in his presence. As soon as I watched Kyle Korver enter the arena for shoot around I about fainted. He looked sooo fine especially in those long, sexy socks of his. Once the game started there were plenty of boos for Boozer (which was the other half of the reason I went to the game. I had been looking forward to booing him for ages) Followed by loud cheers for Korver. In conclusion, the game was freaking intense and we ended up losing; All because Korver drained a three in the last minute or so. That final three was like a dagger to my heart. Its fine though, I still find him extremely attractive and I am glad he is showing to the world white boys can play hoops. But I do hope Kevin O'connor walked away from that game feeling like an idiot because he didn't offer Korver another contract. Bah, some peoples children!

Now to the next item of business...Jerry Sloan: the legend, the hero, the man. This man is amazing, Chuck Norris and Jimmer Fredette were Jerry Sloan Pajamas. That is how big of a deal he is. On Thursday this kind man decided to resign from his head coaching position at the Utah Jazz. After 23 years. 23! Who does that? Especially in the middle of the season. Something is fishy about this whole ordeal and I am gong to get to the bottom of it. Stay tuned. Anywho, as weird as this sounds when I heard the news I felt like he just died. I talked to him Wednesday night at the game and then bam! He up and quits. Sloan was the nicest man at the games. He would always sign as many autographs as I wanted, asked me about my life, thank me for coming plus had the most stylish shoes ever. I am sure Ty Corbin will be an excellent coach but he has alot to live up to. Sloan is arguably one of the best coaches in the history of NBA. I guess if Sloan played for the bulls and couldn't win a championship against the bulls, he might as well have his last game coaching against the bulls. He will be missed...

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