Saturday, February 19, 2011


This past week I have had a lot on my mind lately regarding school, work, my future, oh how the list could go on and on....I about reached my breaking point when Bam! my mom called me. I swear this woman knows exactly when to call me and knows exactly what to say. This is just one small instance in a huge list that my mom has dug me out of tough times. This woman could possibly be the most incredible woman to ever grace this planet. I don’t think I realized how much my mom did and how remarkable she is until I moved out and was facing the world on my own. Growing up my mom was the cheerleader. She went to every single one of my basketball and soccer games as well as all my cross country and track meets. Even when I just sat on the bench she would always tell me good job, hug me, and hand me a PB&J sandwich. She was my tutor. She helped me with numerous school projects and late nights doing homework. She was an example. Every morning she would drag me out of bed to read scriptures, she made sure we had family home evening every week, and she pressured me into getting my young women medallion. She was a travel agent. I can’t remember one summer where we didn’t go on a vacation. Some of the fondest memories I have were on those trips. She was my doctor. She held my hair back while I puked and made me orange juice when I felt like garbage. She was my boy coach. I was always notified when a hot boy was bagging groceries at Kents and gave me the pep talk before every date. She was my personal cook, maid, comedian, counselor, fashion coordinator, chauffer, and friend. Even now that I have moved out she does all of that and more. She is the one I call when I forget how to make tuna, when the love of my life asks me out on a date, or when I just need a good cry. I sure do love my mom. Hands down she wins the “Best Mom of the Universe” award.

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