Monday, February 28, 2011

What I want to do...

As I was doing my nightly blog readings I stumbled upon a blog of a young college girl who has dreams and aspirations very similar to mine. As I read through a post about her future it got me thinking about mine. I have spent countless nights tossing and turning about this subject. I think I can say I have finally found an answer I am satisfied with. I've finally decided what I want to do. Not what I want to be. I'm not sure on that yet. I could become an NBA agent, a politician, a sports writer, a prosecutor, a judge, or a stay-at-home mom. I am just not sure. But I do know what I want to do.

First, I want to get my education out of the way. I want to graduate in a year or so with a bachelors in Political Science. I want to go onto law school preferably in Georgetown and get my Juris Doctorate. I want that peace of mind that often comes with a diploma hanging on your shelf.

I want to marry someone I'm desperately in love with - bursting in love with - aching in love with... and I want to have a family.

I want to stand on the porch in my pajamas, hold a mug of hot cocoa, and watch my rosy-cheeked girl and her older brother walk to the bus stop together. I want to kiss my husband and send him off to work. I want to devour a giant bowl of Cap'n Crunch while reading the newspaper. I want to open up the kitchen windows, smell the fresh cut grass, and breathe in the beautiful sunrise.

Then I'll go about my day. I'll straighten up my son's legos and army men. I'll switch out the laundry and call my husband to tell him "I love you". I'll go to the library to pick up something I've not read before. I'll come home and fish out my mom's chocolate chip cookie recipe. While the cookies are baking, I'll pull out my trusty laptop and work. I'm still not sure on what I will work on, guess that will all ride on the decision of what I want to be. It can't be all work and no play though so of course I will blog. I'll write about my rosy-cheeked girl, the cat lady up the street, and my latest parenting adventure. The cookies will come out of the oven just as my son slams the front door open, waving his 100% math test in the air, and I'll listen to him tell me all about his adventures at recess as I relieve my daughter of her backpack and shoes.

I'll kiss my husband as he comes home from a full day of work. I will listen as he wrestles and plays with the kids as I stew in the kitchen preparing a gourmet meal. We will sit down and eat as a family as my husband will ask the rosy-cheeked girl about her day in school and the older brother replays his basketball game during recess. We will do the dishes as a family and then migrate back the dining room table to complete homework or have family game night.

I'll read the children scripture stories and tuck them in bed with a kiss. I then want to climb in bed with my husband and smile into his chest and hear all about his day at work. I want to drift off to sleep knowing that tomorrow is going to be just as... fulfilling.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Today as I was sitting on the bus talking to my dear ol’ friend about the silly Deron Williams trade I was asked by some stranger if I considered myself part of the Utah Jazz organization because I always refer to them as “we.” I had to explain to this stranger that I wasn’t a part of the organization but I probably could have made some smarter choices than the front office. I also had to explain this concept of loyalty. The Utah Jazz is my team. I eat, sleep, and breathe the Utah Jazz. So of course I am going to refer to them as “we”, they are a part of me. And since they are such a big part of me I have had a dozen phone calls and text messages to make sure I was handling the trade news alright. I have also had numerous people ask me about my take on the trade scenario, so here it is..

Sometimes I lay awake at night wondering if Kevin O’connor is trying to think of every possible way to destroy the Utah Jazz organization. On a lot of levels he is doing a dang good job at kicking us to the curb. Regarding this trade decision though I actually think he made a wise decision (I will NOT say that very often so write this down in all your journals). Dwills contract was up the end of next season. He was going to abandon us anyway. It’s a fact. If we had to have anyone replace him I think we found a good man. Devin Harris holds the Guinness World Record for being the fastest man with a basketball. He can run up and down the court in 3.9 seconds. That my friends is impressive. He also owns over 400 pairs of shoes so I think we will have a lot to talk about. Derrick Favors, the other new guy, is the youngest man in the NBA. He is younger than me! We can create history with this fellow. What I am most excited about is the two first round draft picks. This sets us up perfectly to draft Jimmer. Hello Jimmer-mania. Hello another white boy in Utah. Hello championship season. And who knows, maybe Kevin Oconnor will pull another phenomenal move and offer Dwill a killer of a deal in 2012. That would definitely create a permanent grin across my face.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


This past week I have had a lot on my mind lately regarding school, work, my future, oh how the list could go on and on....I about reached my breaking point when Bam! my mom called me. I swear this woman knows exactly when to call me and knows exactly what to say. This is just one small instance in a huge list that my mom has dug me out of tough times. This woman could possibly be the most incredible woman to ever grace this planet. I don’t think I realized how much my mom did and how remarkable she is until I moved out and was facing the world on my own. Growing up my mom was the cheerleader. She went to every single one of my basketball and soccer games as well as all my cross country and track meets. Even when I just sat on the bench she would always tell me good job, hug me, and hand me a PB&J sandwich. She was my tutor. She helped me with numerous school projects and late nights doing homework. She was an example. Every morning she would drag me out of bed to read scriptures, she made sure we had family home evening every week, and she pressured me into getting my young women medallion. She was a travel agent. I can’t remember one summer where we didn’t go on a vacation. Some of the fondest memories I have were on those trips. She was my doctor. She held my hair back while I puked and made me orange juice when I felt like garbage. She was my boy coach. I was always notified when a hot boy was bagging groceries at Kents and gave me the pep talk before every date. She was my personal cook, maid, comedian, counselor, fashion coordinator, chauffer, and friend. Even now that I have moved out she does all of that and more. She is the one I call when I forget how to make tuna, when the love of my life asks me out on a date, or when I just need a good cry. I sure do love my mom. Hands down she wins the “Best Mom of the Universe” award.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Jazz World.

I am pretty sure by now everyone knows about my admiration and obsession for the Utah Jazz. So it seems only right that I blog about two key events that happened in the Jazz world lately. The first one involving this beautiful face...
And the second one involving him...

Wednesday night was a game I had been looking forward to since Kyle Korver went to the Chicago Bulls. Once the schedule came out in August I created a countdown, and believe me 189 days is a long time to wait for a Jazz game. During his time in Utah, Kyle Korver was my man. He agreed to marry me, he postponed bathroom trips for me, I knew his family (and his brothers are just as attractive as he is). I would be liar if I didnt' say that half the reason I grew to love the Jazz was because of Kyle. Anyway, back to the main point. Kyle and his Chicago Bulls team (also referred to as the Utah Jazz East) were in town. I dragged my little sister, Madison to the game with me and we went and basked in his presence. As soon as I watched Kyle Korver enter the arena for shoot around I about fainted. He looked sooo fine especially in those long, sexy socks of his. Once the game started there were plenty of boos for Boozer (which was the other half of the reason I went to the game. I had been looking forward to booing him for ages) Followed by loud cheers for Korver. In conclusion, the game was freaking intense and we ended up losing; All because Korver drained a three in the last minute or so. That final three was like a dagger to my heart. Its fine though, I still find him extremely attractive and I am glad he is showing to the world white boys can play hoops. But I do hope Kevin O'connor walked away from that game feeling like an idiot because he didn't offer Korver another contract. Bah, some peoples children!

Now to the next item of business...Jerry Sloan: the legend, the hero, the man. This man is amazing, Chuck Norris and Jimmer Fredette were Jerry Sloan Pajamas. That is how big of a deal he is. On Thursday this kind man decided to resign from his head coaching position at the Utah Jazz. After 23 years. 23! Who does that? Especially in the middle of the season. Something is fishy about this whole ordeal and I am gong to get to the bottom of it. Stay tuned. Anywho, as weird as this sounds when I heard the news I felt like he just died. I talked to him Wednesday night at the game and then bam! He up and quits. Sloan was the nicest man at the games. He would always sign as many autographs as I wanted, asked me about my life, thank me for coming plus had the most stylish shoes ever. I am sure Ty Corbin will be an excellent coach but he has alot to live up to. Sloan is arguably one of the best coaches in the history of NBA. I guess if Sloan played for the bulls and couldn't win a championship against the bulls, he might as well have his last game coaching against the bulls. He will be missed...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Life without Markel.

I am all alone. Like literally. I promise I shower every day, wash my clothes, clean my bedroom, and do the dishes. But I still just cannot figure out why in the past month every single one of my roommates has moved out. Yesterday the last of the bunch abandoned me, and it just so happened to be my best friend/cousin/partner-in-crime Markel. It twas a very sad day. Me and Markel have known each other for 20 years. We go wayyy back. We have done everything together. Almost every single memory stored in my brain reflects back to Markel in some shape or form. I know she is on to bigger and better things, like getting a job and moving back to NYC, but I am definitely gonna miss this woman. I am going to miss our late night conversations, our ways of communicating telepathically, our long drives, and our silly nights. Here is my top 10 list of favorite things Me and Markellie have done together while we have been living together. If I included all my favorite things during the time I have known her this list would grow from Top 10 to Top 100, and I don’t have time to write 100 things. So you are stuck with only 10…

1. Jazz Games (obviously): This woman loves the Utah Jazz as much as I do. We have been to so many games and each one is filled with a new adventure. Some of these adventures include parking tickets, license plate numbers, standing in line for hours, and “ellis island.”
2. Redbox/cookiedough Nights: This was a personal favorite of mine. I loved making a huge batch of cookie dough or brownie batter, sitting on the couch wrapped up in our blankets, watching movies with huge spoons in our hands scarfing our faces. The best eva!
3. Dumpster Diving: I was introduced to the “free-gan” world by Markel. The hostess dumpster in Spanish Fork is the prime spot for grabbing some free food.
4. Dinner Nights: Some nights after I did something to make markel proud (like fail a test) or vice versa we would treat each other to dinner. Our favorite places were CafeRio, PizzaPieCafe, Iggys, Yozone, and Ihop. We would usually laugh more than we ate, and we usually took some silly pictures while we were at it, but so many memories were made over the dinner table.
5. Tanning: I swear during the summer months this is all we would do. Work, sleep, and lay out by the pool. I consider it a miracle because it actually got to the point where people would say, “Wow Cami, you are tan.” That NEVER happens. That just proves how often we were actually outside.
6. Roadtrips: we took a couple of roadtrips, some just up to Logan or Tremonton, but each one was filled with miles of laughter. A favorite roadtrip of mine was to Vegas. Three Words: NBA Summer League. Another highlight would be in the car listening to a certain man singing, “My first kiss…” bahaha.
7. Sunday Dinner to Grandmas/Aunt Lories: man, a lot of my memories revolve around food. Hello Freshman 15! It seems like the majority of the Sundays were spent in good ol’ Spanish Fork with Markel’s family. And I was always invited, which I loved. We had some scooter wrecks, some near death experiences, and always some delicious cheesy potatoes.
8. Concerts: What is better than singing your head off while in the presence of the Backstreet Boys, Tim Mcgraw, Lady Antebellum, Neon Trees, and Secondhand Serenade.
9. Fighting off Crazy Roommates: I think it would be safe to say we have had our fair share of psychos sleeping under the same roof as us. From Lady Gaga look alike to chicken fryer addict and from anti-social “tibby” to Felon. To be honest, I find it a miracle we are still alive and in one piece.
10. And Finally, taking random pictures: We cannot go anywhere without taking pictures. We have to document every minute of our life. They are sooo freaking hilarious.

So Markel, if you are reading this…I hope you love every minute out in New York but don’t forget about me. Everytime “Do the John Wall” comes on your ipod, you have Pepsi with Cheddar and Sour Cream chips, you watch a Jazz game, or you walk through a Ghetto Walmart pretty please think of me. You are definitely “maid-of-honor” material. Roomies/Besties/Cousins For Life!

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